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即使你已经从事过商业工作,知道什么是商业学位, 毫无疑问,你会怀疑自己是否真的需要一个商学学位.

也许你正在考虑重返大学,但又不想暂停你的职业生涯. Or maybe you’re thinking you could work and go to school, 但我不确定商学学士学位是否能让你获得更好或不同的职业机会.

Here’s a look at what a business degree really is, 要付出什么才能赢得它, 更重要的是, how it could change your career for the better.


商学学位是一个本科学位,为你提供跨商业功能的基础知识, ranging from accounting and finance to marketing and human resources. Because it’s so versatile and broad-based, 商学学士学位可以为你一生中任何你感兴趣的领域或行业的职业机会做好准备.

而business degree可以指商业管理或领导方面的学位, 通常它指的是a B.S. 工商管理. This is the most comprehensive and flexible business degree program.

When it comes to educational focus, 你可以获得通才商业学位或专业商业学位. A B.S. 工商管理硕士是一个通才学位,因为它强调广泛的商业功能. A B.S. 在会计, 另一方面, 一个专门的商业学位的例子是因为它只关注商业的一个方面吗.

What Kinds of Jobs Can You Get with a Business Degree?

If you don’t have a business degree, you might want to reconsider. 根据劳动力市场分析公司Lightcast的数据,商学学位可以提供超过21个就业机会.9 million job postings with a national median salary of $71,687.

以下是拥有商业学士学位可以从事的众多工作中的一些, 以及相应的全国工资中位数,根据Lightcast:


When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? Remove the guesswork by downloading this free guide


Don’t Fall for These 4 Business Degree Myths 

当然,任何学位都不是只有一条通往成功的道路,包括商业学位. If you want to achieve your career goals, however, you’ll want to avoid unnecessary detours and wrong turns like these.

1. 我的经验加上一张证书就相当于拿到了学士学位.
“学士学位可以提供即时和终身的价值,这是低级别证书无法比拟的,道格·罗斯说。, Ph.D., business administration program chair, at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行. “当你对比学士学位持有者和高中文凭持有者的终身收入时, a bachelor’s degree holder earns over $1 million dollars more. 你也可以利用学士学位在短期内获得加薪,这比证书更重要.”

2. There aren’t enough jobs for business grads.
“The idea that business graduates are unemployed or underemployed, I think, is based on a narrow view of what you can do with a business degree,” says Dr. Ross. “这确实是你可以拥有的最灵活的学位之一,因为你可以将其应用于任何行业. 不管你是在石油行业工作 & 天然气、科技、医疗保健或其他一些行业,总是需要商科毕业生. 我告诉学生们不要再找像“业务经理”这样的职位了,因为这限制了他们的选择.”

3. A business degree is not as valuable as a specialized degree.
“这是随着专业学位的涌入而形成的另一个误区,”博士说. Ross. “Yes, a business degree is general. That’s its strength, though, not its weakness. 企业需要能够理解企业的每个功能以及每个功能对另一个功能的影响的人. 商业学位会给你一个全面的视角,促进任何组织内的合作. 这对毕业生也有好处, 为您提供令人难以置信的职业灵活性,以便您可以在角色之间和跨业务职能之间转换. 如果你真的想在某个感兴趣的领域获得更深入的知识, 最好的解决方案是商科学位,辅修该专业.”

4. I don’t need a bachelor’s in business since I have my associate degree.
“If you already have an associate degree, getting a bachelor’s can feel like starting over,博士解释道。. Ross. “With the right business degree program, you won't have to. 找一个能最大限度地增加你已经获得的学分的课程,并将它们无缝地转移到你的学士学位上. At Franklin, we help individuals with associate degrees 转学可达94学分 into our bachelor’s program so they can get their business degree faster.”

What Does It Take to Earn a Business Degree?

获得商业学位需要你投入大量的时间、精力和财力. 希望您对这些资源的投资回报对您的未来是值得的.

获得商业学位所需的时间取决于你和你的项目. 在学时方面,你需要大约124学时才能获得B.S. 工商管理. For a traditional, on-campus student, that works out to about four years. For a busy, working professional with transfer credit and a flexible course load, well, 你可以更快完成. So, if you want to earn your bachelor’s in business even faster, 寻找一个商业学位项目,让你的教育和经验最大化.

Getting your degree is more than just a time commitment. 要想成功, 你必须优先考虑你的学位——这意味着调整你的职业承诺和个人生活,为你的学习腾出空间. 这也意味着要充分了解自己,知道自己一天中最好的时间是什么时候. To give you more time over your degree program schedule, 你可以考虑报名一个100%在线的商业学位课程.

The cost of a business degree varies widely, 取决于你选择的学校, 他们的程序, and even where the school is located. For some, tuition costs can cause sticker shock, but keep in mind that the proverbial “advertised price” may not be 你实际支付的金额.  Most online colleges charge a cost-per-credit hour, so see if you can transfer credits to cut your tuition costs way down. Investigate your financial aid eligibility. 你可能会发现你可以得到一些免费或低成本的资金来支付你的学位.

值得吗?? The Choice Comes Down To Your Career Aspirations 

如果你是一个在职的专业人士,想要在商业上发展你的事业, a business degree can be a gamechanger.

A business degree can increase job prospects, 创造晋升机会, and increase your salary and lifetime income. It’s a worthwhile investment in your career—now and into the future.

You just have to find the right business degree program for you. Ready? Start here.

Where to Find Free Money to go Back to School
Learn how to get grants to cut college costs.